Field investigation includes soil profile logging and mapping, percolation testing, monitoring well installation, groundwater determinations and topographic mapping in connection with the upgrading and new development of on-site waste water systems for individual residences, commercial...
Noadiah S. Eckman is a California Professional Geologist who serves as the managing geologist with Eckman Environmental Designs, Inc. He has worked exclusively for the past eighteen years with the investigation, evaluation design, construction inspection and monitoring of on-site wastewater disposal systems for residential, commercial and institutional facilities.
We prepare on-site system designs utilizing a broad range of conventional and innovative treatment and disposal technologies, and working with numerous local health departments and California Regional Water Quality Control Boards with different regulatory standards. Design experience includes...
We have extensive experience inspecting, testing and evaluating the condition and performance of existing septic systems in terms of functional capacity, water quality impacts, and code compliance. This typically involves research and field exploration of older septic systems to determine what...
We oversee and review contractor performance on all aspects of system installation, including site preparation, tank and pipeline installation, water tightness and pressure-testing, pump and dosing siphon operations, fill and mound construction, and site restoration and erosion control. Many...
Operation and Maintenance Program
We also participate in the follow-up performance monitoring and evaluation of system operations for permit compliance and regulatory reporting.